Georgia Harnesses European Expertise in Personal Data Protection

2017-01-20 14:09:19

On January 16-20 2017, representatives of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia visited Rome, Italy, with a study tour. Upon the invitation of the Italian Data Protection Authority, the visit was arranged with support from the European Union (EU) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The Georgian delegation led by Tamar Kaldani, Personal Data Protection Inspector, shared the expertise of their Italian colleagues from the Data Protection Authority, one of the top European personal data protection agencies with vast experience in the areas of investigation and enforcement.

The study tour participants met with the heads of structural units to receive first-hand information about the enforcement powers and legal and institutional framework of the Italian Personal Data Authority, as well as to discuss practical inspection methodology, investigation in public and private sectors, and the newest IT tools used in the inspection process.

The meetings were held with Luigi Montuori, Head of Service for EU and International Matters; Alessandra Pierucci, representative of Service for EU and International Matters, and Claudio Filippi, Head of Inspections Department.

The Georgian delegation also visited the Privacy Squad at the Finance Police of Italy, where the they received the detailed information about the legal and institutional aspects of inspection, and coordination between the Privacy Squad and Data Protection Authority.

The enhancement of personal data protection in Georgia is one of the priorities of the joint initiative of the European Union (EU) and United Nations “Human Rights for All”. With a budget of Euro 4 million, the programme supports the implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia.