International Conference on Personal Data Protection was launched in Tbilisi

2016-12-14 14:06:30

International Conference - Enhance the Right to Data Protection in Eastern Partnership Countries was launched in Tbilisi. The Conference initiated by Georgian Office of Council of Europe and Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector was opened with the speeches of the Personal Data Protection Inspector, Tamar Kaldani and representatives of Council of Europe.

During the meetings, international and European data protection standards and trends were discussed, as well as the role of the supervisory authorities, their operational capacity, guarantees of independence, legal framework and data protection systems in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.

Issues of establishment of data protection network of Eastern Partnership Countries, elaboration of regional data protection training manual and further programmatic activities planned in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine were at the agenda of the Conference.

The event was held within the Programmatic Cooperation Framework for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.