The Office of the Inspector started elaboration of the media guidelines

2016-12-13 14:05:29

The Office of the Inspector in cooperation with the experts of Council of Europe started elaboration of guidelines for media in order to ensure proper balance between right to privacy and freedom of expression. Proper balance means providing information to public and at the same time protect individual’s privacy. This issue is becoming increasingly acute in the era of internet and modern technologies, rapidness and scale of data circulation is the challenge for privacy protection.

Representatives of the Office of the Inspector and the Council of Europe met all stakeholders. Representatives of tele and radio broadcasters, online media and press, the Charter of Journalistic Ethics and Media Development Fund discussed the existing practice and challenges in Georgia, as well as self-regulation mechanisms and principles of their implementation.

Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection does not cover the data processing for journalistic purposes, thus guidelines elaborated in cooperation with experts of the Council of Europe will not be obligatory for media outlets and will have recommendatory power. Consultative committee of Convention 108 (T-PD) is also working on
Draft Guiding Principles on the Protection of Privacy in the Media Coverage.