Winter School on Personal Data Protection

2016-11-21 14:01:27

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia with the assistance of the UN and EU joint project “Human Rights for All” and in cooperation with International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) ENIGMMA project and Training Center of Justice launches Winter School on Data Protection for students.

The main objective of the Winter School is to raise awareness of the students on personal data protection and inform them about the challenges related to the protection of privacy in the modern, digital era.

The lectures will be delivered by the international and local experts. The Winter School program will cover the following issues:

  • The importance of personal data protection;
  • Protection of Personal Data in modern era (Big Data, social networks, internet based services, etc.);
  • Personal data protection and crime prevention (cybercrime, fight against terrorism, trafficking, etc.);
  • Balance between the right to privacy and freedom of expression;
  • Modern tendencies in the data protection field and European Data Protection Reform;
  • Data protection rights and guarantees;
  • ECtHR case law on privacy and personal data protection;
  • The role, basic functions and activities of the OPDPI.

Students of the Law Schools and Journalism of the accredited universities of Georgia are eligible to participate in the Winter School.

The Winter School will be held on January 28 – February 3, 2017, at the Kvareli Training Centre of Justice.

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