Personal Data Protection Weekends

2016-10-17 13:56:36

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector with the assistance of UNDP and with financial support of the European Union within the framework of the Project – “Human Rights for All” and in coordination with Training Centre of Justice of Georgia, will conduct two PDP week-ends on personal data protection, aiming to raise awareness among academic personnel and promote teaching PDP alongside with other relevant disciplines.

Aim of PDP weekends

PDP weekends aim to raise awareness, promote scientific and public discussions on personal data protection among professors/teachers working in law and social science (particularly journalism) disciplines.

Target audience

Following three main target audience are defined:

First group: 19-20 November, 2016-Weekend is designed for Professors and assistant professors of institutions of higher education in Georgia working in following disciplines: Civil Law, Administrative Law and Criminal Law.

Second group- 26-27 November, 2016- Weekend is designed for Professors and assistant professors of institutions of higher education in Georgia working in following disciplines: European Law, IDP and Refugee Law, Public Administration, International Law, Migration Law. International Human Rights Law, Precedential Law and Media Law.

After the completion of the course participants will possess theoretical and practical knowledge on following issues:

  • Legislation and practice on personal data protection in Georgia;
  • European systems and mechanisms on personal data protection;
  • “Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data “and its mechanisms.

Participants will be selected by the special commission through the competition. Certificates will be provided.

Working language of PDP weekends will be Georgian.