ICO Experts in Georgia – British Colleagues shared experience with the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector

2016-09-29 13:52:14

Challenges in the field of personal data protection, including inspection methodology and effective strategic communication, led to a meeting between the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) of the UK and the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia. During this meeting, the ICO representatives shared their experiences with their Georgian counterparts.

The experts from ICO, John-Pierre Lamb and Victoria Health, visited the Inspector’s Office for three days. Within the framework of the meeting, staff from the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector received recommendations and conclusions. Meanwhile, the British representatives gained experience with Georgian working practices. This visit was implemented within the UK-Georgia Reform Assistance Project.

The UK’s Information Commissioner's Office is the leading supervisory authority in the field of personal data protection field across the world. Georgia’s Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector plans to implement the experts’ recommendations and experiences in its future work.