The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector presented the Institutional Development Strategy 2017 – 2021 to stakeholders and civil society

2016-09-27 13:50:38

Promoting a culture of respect for privacy among society, as well as the effective supervision of personal data protection, the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector presented the Institutional Development Strategy 2017 – 2021 to donor organisations, stakeholders and civil society. The document reflects the organization’s values, mission and vision, as well as the organisation’s main functions and most important goals over the next five years.

Tamar Kaldani, the Personal Data Protection Inspector, said: “Envisaging the accumulated experience, the increased number of complaints, and the current challenges, preparing a long-term institutional development strategy was high on the agenda of the supervisory authority. We believe the strategy, which can be updated, will help us more effectively carry out our supervisory functions defined by the law and proactively respond to current challenges”.

The Personal Data Protection Inspector prepared the document by experts from the consulting company Gepra in close cooperation with different governmental organisations, the business sector, civil society, and other experts operating in this field.

The Strategy was prepared with the assistance of the EU in the framework of the programme “Human Rights for All”, which is jointly implemented by the four UN agencies – the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

As a result of cooperation with local partners, international organisations and civil society, the Strategy of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector will be presented to the broader society.