The Statement of the Personal Data Protection Inspector on the dissemination of video materials by Qronika+

2016-08-15 13:47:27

The Personal Data Protection Inspector has responded to the fact of dissemination of the so-called ‘video material of prison’ throughout the internet a few hours ago.

It is possible to fully identify the people shown in the disseminated video. This undermines their honour, and dignity, and privacy. The video’s release also damages concerned individuals and their familyies’ members’ interests.

In spite of the fact that the Inspector’s mandate does not extend to the activities of the media outlets aimed to inform the society, the media is obliged to ensure at the balance between informing the society and respecting the integrity of honour and dignity of individual citizens. Especially since the form of dissemination of these videos provides unlimited access and affects a large number of victims of torture and inhuman treatment when it comes to number of victims of torture and inhuman treatment and the form the dissemination of these videos gives the unlimited means of access to them.

The Inspector would like to call on Qronika+ to stop the identification of people in its disseminated video materials.