Trainings Launched for the Heads of Tbilisi’s Kindergartens on Personal Data Protection Issues

2016-07-06 13:39:51

Aiming to increase personal data protection standards at pre-school institutions, the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector launched a series of trainings for the heads of Tbilisi’s kindergartens on July 6, 2016.

The first training was held at Public Kindergarten #152, and more than 60 heads of kindergartens participated. In total, three trainings will be held for more than 200 participants from the capital city Tbilisi. The trainings will be led by Natalia Mikeladze, the Training Manager of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector.

Important issues in the field of personal data protection, including the collection, storage and processing of data, the specifics of processing data of minors, as well as regulations for video surveillance were discussed at the meeting. Natalia Mikeladze also introduced the roles and functions of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector, and discussed data subject’s rights.

The heads of the kindergartens expressed interest in the topics such as video surveillance, disclosure, and data handling. Attendees received complete answers regarding these inquiries. They also became acquainted with how to address the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector for consultation.

“In order to establish high standards of data processing, it is important that public and private organizations comply with the law on data processing, especially when data of children and juveniles are at stake”, Mikeladze said.

The training for Tbilisi’s kindergarten principals was organized by the Tbilisi City Council and the Agency of Kindergartens within the framework of the memorandum of Cooperation between the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector, Tbilisi City Assembly, the Commission of Education and Culture, Tbilisi City Hall and Kindergarten Management Agency singed on March 14, 2016.

The next training will be held on July 8.