Citizens’ Complaints on Disclosure of Personal Data by Online Loan and Debt Collection Companies Increased

2016-06-24 13:34:01

Recently, more and more citizens have applied the Personal Data Protection Inspector on the issue of personal data disclosure by online loan and debt collection companies. The complainants stated that mentioned companies disclosed information about their financial liabilities without their consent, to the third parties, such as associates, neighbors, relatives or colleagues.

As a result of dealing with complaints, it was found out that some online loan and debt collection companies disclosed personal data without legal grounds and also violated principles of data processing. Moreover, it was detected that personal data of debtors was disclosed unlawfully to the debt collection companies. As a result it was determined that three companies disclosed personal data in violation of law provisions. The office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector is currently examining five citizen complaints.

The Inspector believed that data controllers have to ensure a fair balance between their legitimate interests and citizens’ privacy rights, because disclosing financial information to third parties endangers their legitimate interests and could prejudice their dignity.

Meanwhile, it was established that contracts between debtors and creditors contains an article about consent to data disclosure, but the text regarding consent is general, ambiguous, and does not provide citizens with clear information about the specific possibilities of data disclosure.