Parliamentary Committee Hearings of Candidates on the Position of PDP Inspector

2016-06-13 13:30:30

Parliamentary hearing of the candidates for selecting on the position of Personal Data Protection Inspector was held at the united meeting of the committees of Human Rights Protection and Civil Integration and Legal Affairs on June 13, 2016.

Under the legislation, the Parliamentary Secretary Shalva Tadumadze submitted the candidates to the committee members and introduced their biographies, after which, the candidates, Tamar Kaldani and Nikoloz Gelashvili presented their own visions to the lawmakers about the development the Personal Data Protection’s Office.

In her speech Tamar Kaldani addressed the reforms that have been implemented, the current challenges, the ways of solving them and the future development of the Inspector’s Office. She also underlined the importance of continuing the development of legislative reforms, as well as raising the public awareness and informing the citizens about their rights.

The second candidate, Nikoloz Gelashvili also presented his vision. He focused on the protection mechanisms of protection of human rights in the process of technological development and the importance of continuing the work with society and the data processors.

Candidates also responded the lawmakers’ questions which was followed by the secret voting. Eights members from the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee supported the candidacy of Tamar Kaldani, while for members voted against Nikoloz Gelashvili. However, the seven members of the Legal Affairs committee voted in favour of Kaldani while the four lawmaker supported Gelashvili, menwhile the four ballot papers were invalidated.

Following the Committees hearings, the Parliament will vote for the candidates at the Plenary Session of the Parliament.

The Inspector shall be appointed for three years by the Parliament. Tamar Kaldani has been appointed as the Personal Data Protection Inspector since 2013.

See the photos: