The Office of the PDPI Conducted Inspections at 11 Organisations in 2015

2016-06-10 13:29:40

The legality of video monitoring was examined at 11 organisations’ 814 units by the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s (PDPI) Office last year. As a result of examination, at six organisations’ 410 units it was conducting the audio monitoring in line with video monitoring.

Despite the fact that the Law of Georgian on Personal Data Protection Inspection clearly and precisely defines the rules and legitimate purposes of video surveillance, it was revealed that majority of the organisations were using the video surveillance recordings for other purposes, which are incompatible with the law.

Upon the inspection several organisations were fined, the audio surveillance was suspended in 365 units and the video-audio surveillance procedure came in compliance with the law.

Currently, the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector conducts inspections at some organisations and examines the legality of audio-video surveillance.