A Selection Commission selected candidates for a Personal Data Protection Inspector’s post

2016-05-30 13:23:52

A Selection Commission formed by the order of the Prime Minister of Georgia selected the candidates for the vacancy of the Personal Data Protection Inspector and presented two candidates including the current Inspector Tamar Kaldani and Nikoloz Gelashvili to the Head of the Government.

The Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Selection Commission is led by Minister of Justice Tea Tsulukiani. The Commission members also include:

  • Eka Beselia, Chairperson of Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee at the Parliament of Georgia
  • Mzia Todua, Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court
  • Natia Katsitadze, Deputy Public Defender
  • Giorgi Kldiashvili, Director of the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI)

The competition on the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s vacancy was announced on May 18 2016. The Selection Commission selected five candidates among 50 applicants. Following the job interview which is the second stage of the selection procedure, the Commission presented two candidates.

The Inspector shall be appointed for three years. Tamar Kaldani has been appointed as the Personal Data Protection Inspector since 2013.

A citizen of Georgia, who had a higher legal education, at least five years of working experience in the field of human rights and appropriate business and moral characteristics could apply for the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s vacancy.