Personal Data Protection Hour marked in Tbilisi’s Three Universities

2016-05-20 13:22:14

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector joined the celebrations dedicated marking the Independence Day of Georgia and marked the Personal Data Protection Hour with several events on May 20.

Students of Iliauni, Tbilisi State Medical University and Kakha Bendukidze University Campus participated in the Personal Data Protection Hour from 12:00 am to 13:00 pm.

The presentation of inspect2, an innovative mobile application, public lecture, discussion, quiz, the exhibition of informational posters and photo exhibition were held in the framework of the event. The participants of the events were handed with the memorable branded gifts.

“We are joining a very important celebration and with these events we would like to contribute to the process of public awareness rising about the personal data protection, the officials of the Office of Personal Data Protection announced.

In the Ligamus caf� of the Iliauni, the representatives of the Office of the Personal Data Protection talked about the modern challenges of personal data protection; at the end of the meeting the participants took part in the quiz and the winner students were awarded with the memorable prizes.

The presentation of inspect2 was held at Kakha Bendukidze University Campus. Inspect2 is an innovative application and by using it, people will be able to inform the Office of Personal Data Protection Inspector about the breaching the procession process of personal data, as well as receive the information about the measures done.

At the State Medical University the students attended the discussion about the recently issued the Recommendations Relating to Processing of the Personal Health Data. They also saw the exhibition of posters created on the subject of personal data protection.

During the Personal Data Protection Hour at the Service Centre’s of Rustavi, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Gori, Telavi and Batumi the citizens were handed with the information materials.

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector actively continues to work on amid to raise the awareness of people.

The Personal Data Protection Hour was provided by the financial assistance of European Union and is part of the United Nations programme “Human Rights for All”. The programme is a joint initiative of the four UN agencies – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Office of High Commissionaire for Human Rights (OHCHR) and International Labour Organization (ILO).

See the photos: