Seminar on Personal Data Protection for Journalists Based in Regions

2016-05-16 13:20:31

A two-day seminar on personal data protection issues was held by the organization of the Office of Personal Data Protection Inspector and the EU funded project “Human Rights for All” in Kachreti, a village in Kakheti region of Georgia on 13-14 May, 2016.
The topic of the seminar was the importance of the personal data protection and modern challenges. The training aimed to introduce the role and function of the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office, also increasing the implementation of media organisations in awareness raising process of citizens.

The official ceremony of the event was opened by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project Coordinator Rusudan Tushuri and the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector Natalia Mikeladze.

Topics related to the personal data protection were discussed in the training including the importance of personal data protection, the function of the Inspector’s Office, human rights and the mechanism of protection of them, the current and solved problems of data protection, the balance between protection of personal data and freedom of expression, social networks, video surveillance, big data, direct marketing, protection of data in the internet.

The training was attended by the Head of the Public and Private Sector Oversight Unit Otar Chakhunashvili, the Head of Inspection Department Giorgi Mindiashvili, the Head of the Law-enforcement Oversight Unit Nato Gugava and the Head of the IT Department Giorgi Giorganashvili. They introduced the inspections have been done by the Inspector’s Office and answered the journalists’ inquiries.

On the second day of the seminar, the journalists did the practical assignments and prepared the articles on the personal data protection issues. The journalists were handed out by the certificates.

“The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector has been organizing the meetings and seminars aimed raising the awareness of citizens on this issue. I believe the training was productive and important for journalists,” said Natalia Mikeladze.

The training was provided by the financial assistance of European Union and is part of the United Nations programme “Human Rights for All”. The programme is a joint initiative of the four UN agencies – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Office of High Commissionaire for Human Rights (OHCHR) and International Labour Organization (ILO).

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