Staff of the International Bank of Azerbaijan’s was Introduced by Personal Data Protection Regulations

2016-05-11 13:18:56

Training on the personal data protection regulations for the staff of the International Bank of Azerbaijan’s was held on May 10, 2016.

The event lead by Natalia Mikeladze, the Trainings Manager at the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector was attended by the head of departments of the Bank.

The Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection and the practical examples relating to the personal data protection issues were discussed at the training. The participants chatted the specifics of filling the filing catalogue system and international transferring methods of the data. Moreover, they discussed other regulations of processing the personal data.

“Considering the fact the banks are processing a large amount of data, it is important for us, the banks to have the information about the personal data regulations and human rights. However, it is important the organisations to comply with the Law on Personal Data Protection,” Natalia Mikeladze, the Trainings Manager of the Office of Personal Data Protection Inspector.

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector provides regular trainings for private and public organisations in order to raise awareness about the personal data protection issues.