Public Lecture on Personal Data Protection at Georgian National University

2016-05-10 13:15:55

Public lecture on personal data protection was held at Georgian National University (SEU) on May 10, 2016. A representative of the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office Dimitri Gugunava introduced the importance of personal data protection to the University’s students. The functions and mandate of the Personal Data Protection Inspector was also discussed at the meeting. Moreover, they discussed the modern challenges of personal data protection.

The meeting was interactive and students asked the questions relating to the issues like direct marketing and sms advertising. They were interested about the difference between public and private information and what are the liabilities of the organization that process the data of the person. Moreover, they discussed why and how to protect the people their personal data.

The lecture aimed to raise the awareness on the issue of the personal data protection.

It is essential for the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office to raise the awareness of the young generation on the topic of the personal data protection. Thus the Office continues holding the lectures at the universities.

Please see the photos below: