The Regional Legal Adviser of the ICRC Payed a Visit to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector

2016-03-15 12:59:19

On March 15, 2016 the Personal Data Protection Inspector and members of her staff held a meeting with Regional Legal Adviser of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Ms. Neda Dojcinovic and Head of Communication Unit of the representation of ICRC to Georgia, Mrs. Maia Kardava.

Parties discussed in details the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector, ICRC Rules on Personal Data Protection and its active involvement in the modernization of Council of Europe Convention 108.

The Personal Data Protection Inspector introduced to the ICRC representatives data processing regulations in Georgia, legislative proposal prepared by the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector, which envisages certain amendments to the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection as well as other legislative acts and their compliance with current reforms carried out on the European level. Practical examples and problems faced by the ICRC while requesting data from several bodies, as well as transfer of data to other states were also discussed.

During the meeting parties agreed on future cooperation