Data Protection Day was Celebrated in Georgia

2016-01-28 12:45:45

On January 28 International Data Protection Day was celebrated at the Tbilisi City Hall. The event was hosted by the Personal Data Protection Inspector Mrs. Tamar Kaldani and Deputy Inspector, Mr. Nikloloz Bregvadze. The event was attended by the Prime-Minister of Georgia, Chairman of the Parliament, other members of the legislative body, representatives of central and local self-government, diplomatic corps, non-governmental organizations and media.

In her welcome speech, Mrs. Kaldani mentioned that right to privacy is the fundamental right recognized by international documents and the Constitution of Georgia, but it is also a pre-requisite for the personal development and protection of one’s dignity. According to the Inspector, correct personal data protection policy promotes the public trust. “Establishment of the data protection system oriented to human rights protection is the difficult and consuming process. There are still numerous challenges, though it is possible to achieve goals with the joint efforts of the government, public and private sectors, as well as citizens” – stated Mrs. Kaldani.

In his speech, the Prime-Minister, Mr. Giorgi Kvirikashvili focused on the work done by the Inspector’s Office, which played a positive role in visa-liberalization process with the EU. According to the Prime-Minister, reforms directed to the protection of every individual will continue. “We welcome confidence building toward the Personal Data Protection Inspector by the citizens, private and public organizations. The society should be released from the feeling that privacy is not protected from covert surveillance, eavesdropping and blackmailing. Our citizens should feel safe and know that the state will take all measures in order not to allow this faulty practice to be repeated. And if anybody violates privacy, he/she will be subject to severe punishment” – stated Mr. Kvirikashvili.

Chairman of the Parliament, Mr. Davit Usupashvili mentioned that data protection is the pre-requisite of freedom, democracy as well as normal and sustainable state. “From whom private life of citizens should be protected? – From me, as the public servant and you – journalists. Today we celebrate this day, in order to say that state, journalists should carefully treat information about the private life of the individual. Huge amount of personal data related to the finances, travel, family members, property and etc. is processed by the public agencies; this data should not be accessible to non-authorized persons” - said Chairman of the Parliament.

Representative of the EU delegation to Georgia Mr. Stefan Stork expressed his gratitude toward the society for the celebration of the data protection day. Along the role and functions of the Inspector’s Office and importance of public awareness raising, he underlined European data protection standards in his speech.

Winners of the photo/video /poster competition of the Inspector’s Office were awarded on the event. More than 60 persons participated in the competition, nine winners and three special category awards were determined among them.

With the support of the EU delegation, the partners of data protection day were the European Law and Human Rights International Law Institute, Innovations and Reforms Center and International Center for Migration Policy Development.

International Data Protection Day is celebrated by the decision of the Council of Europe since 2006. The aim of the day is to raise public awareness on personal data protection and human rights. Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector celebrates the day for the third time.

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