Personal Data Protection Weekend was conducted for the representatives of Academia

2017-05-06 14:01:25

On 6-7 May 2017, a Personal Data Protection Weekend (PDP Weekend) was held at the Kvareli Training Centre of Justice of Georgia. The PDP Weekend was organised with the assistance of the EU-UN Joint Project “Human Rights for All” and in cooperation with the Training Centre of Justice.

The PDP Weekend brought together around 20 academic personnel of higher education institutions of Georgia, located in Tbilisi and regions as well. The participants of the PDP Weekend discussed challenges Georgia is facing nowadays in terms data protection and privacy, basic functions, powers and practices of the Inspector’s Office. Within the scope of the PDP Weekend, the discussions addressed the importance of data protection, privacy in the era of modern technologies and balancing these rights.

The PDP Weekend was designed for the lecturers in journalism, mass communication and media research to raise awareness among academic personnel and facilitate academic discussion regarding personal data protection.

The enhancement of personal data protection is one of the priorities of the joint initiative of the European Union (EU) and United Nations “Human Rights for All”. With the budget of Euro 4 million, the programme supports the implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia.