Personal Data Protection Inspector wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2015-12-31 14:00:07

I would like to congratulate everyone with the New Year 2016 and to convey my heartfelt wishes for peace, success and well-being!

In 2015, our country took one of the most important steps toward European integration. Positive assessment of the fulfillment of Visa Liberalization Action Plan with the European Union is a result of profound reforms, coordinated work, concerted efforts and constitutes our common success.

The year 2015 was also significant for the institutional development of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector. Efficient steps were taken toward personal data protection and the development of court case law; covert surveillance oversighted system was launched; continued coordination with public, private, international and civil society organizations, and most importantly, the increased level of citizens’ reporting shall be outlined.

Along with our efforts, active involvement of data controllers and each and every individual plays decisive role in acknowledging the importance of personal data protection and threats caused by their illegal processing.

We would like to express our gratitude toward those organizations, which significantly improved data protection standards in 2015 and of course to the citizens, whose active participation and reporting made the protection of thousands of individuals’ rights possible.

Once again, I would like to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tamar Kaldani

Personal Data Protection Inspector