The Inspector’s decisions become publicly available through the website of the Office

2017-05-16 13:59:23

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector will release the Inspector’s decisions. The decisions made as a result of the citizens’ complaints and inspections will be publicly available through the main page of the website of the Inspector’s Office.

The central aim of publication of the decisions is to raise awareness on various aspects of personal data protection, to establish common standards for personal data processing, to prevent erroneous interpretation of law and avoid administrative offences. Through the registry there will be available the decisions that contribute to achievement of these objectives.

The decisions will be available for the visitors through various categories of search, specifically, data controller, the subject of dispute, date and implemented measures.

The decisions will be published without any form of identification of either natural persons or legal entities of public law, the initials indicated in the documents will also be altered.

The Inspector’s decisions will be gradually available in the registry.