International Human Rights Day

2015-12-10 13:52:03

On December 10, 1948 UN General Assembly adopted Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Since then, human rights day is celebrated on 10th of December annually. For the first time in the history, the document declared basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Notwithstanding the fact that the Declaration is not mandatory in its nature, it became basis for approximately 60 documents establishing international human rights standards.

In recent years, a number of positive steps toward the protection of human rights were undertaken in Georgia. We would like to particularly underline the establishment of the legislative framework for personal data protection, through which Georgia pledged to protect the privacy of every individual. This obligation is also reflected in the Association Agreement and Visa-Liberalization Action Plan between the EU and Georgia. Despite the results achieved in this area, privacy protection still remains a challenge.

Cooperation of public and private organizations, as well as the civil society carried particular significance in terms of privacy protection. Since its establishment, the Office of Personal Data Protection Inspector regularly cooperates with the mentioned organizations to protect human rights, implement international privacy standards and raise awareness through joint efforts.