Protecting personal data in Georgia – the Inspector’s Office reports on progress and further challenges

2017-08-18 13:30:42

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector published a report on the implementation of the 2017-2021 Strategy and the Action Plan on personal data protection in Georgia. The representatives of the Inspector’s Office discussed the implementation of the Strategy and the Action Plan with the representatives of partner organisations. The meeting was organized with the assistance of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) joint project “Human Rights for All”.

As the report reads, within next years, the Inspector’s Office will focus on such strategic issues as creating a relevant legal base, strengthening cooperation with other national institutions and institutional capacity of the Office as well as raising public awareness about personal data protection.

The 2017-2021 Strategy was elaborated through the discussions and engagement of other public agencies, business sector, civil society and the experts of the field in cooperation with the experts of consulting company GEPRA.

The strategy was adopted with the assistance of the UN and EU joint project “Human Rights for All”, within their joint initiative, which aims to support protection of human rights in Georgia.

The enhancement of personal data protection is one of the priorities of the joint initiative of the European Union (EU) and United Nations “Human Rights for All”. With the budget of EUR 4 million, the programme supports the implementation and monitoring of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia.