Training on personal data protection in the military hospital of the Ministry of Defense

2015-10-06 13:26:19

Training on personal data protection was held in the military hospital of Ministry of Defense on October 6, 2015 in Gori. The training was attended by the medical and administrative personal of the hospital.

The issues like data protection principles, legal grounds for data processing, dealing with the sensitive categories of data, rights of citizens and the activities of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector were discussed on the training.

Trainer and representative of the Inspector’s Office, Mrs. Natalia Mikeladze, mentioned that it is important for the staff of the Ministry dealing with the personal data to have correct information on the data protection legislation and related practical issues.

This is the second training conducted for the staff of the Ministry of Defense, the first one was held on October 18 in Tbilisi and was attended by the representatives of the different departments of the Ministry.