Personal Data Protection Inspector is attending the 42nd T-PD Bureau meeting

2017-09-13 13:25:42

Processing and protection of health-related personal data, processing of personal data in the police sector, cooperation with other Council of Europe bodies - the 42nd meeting of the Bureau of the Consultative Committee of Convention 108 is taking place in Paris. Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia - Tamar Kaldani participates in the meeting of the Bureau.

Within the scope of the meeting the members will discuss the issues of modernization of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data and work programme of the committee. The members will further discuss the draft agenda and programme of the 35th Plenary Meeting of the Committee.

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector represents Georgia in the Consultative Committee for the fifth year. In June 2016, Tamar Kaldani was unanimously elected as the member of the Bureau.