Personal Data Protection Inspector is attending an international conference

2017-09-27 13:21:07

New technologies and personal data protection, digital age challenges and data protection peculiarities in various regions of the world – 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners is taking place in Hong Kong. Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia, Tamar Kaldani and the Deputy Inspector, Nikoloz Bregvadze are representing Georgia at the conference.

The conference, entitled “Connecting West with East in Protecting and 

Respecting Data Privacy” is attended by the personal data protection supervisory authorities from 110 countries. The delegates are discussing the challenges of personal data protection in the age of technologies, regulatory framework of data protection and cybersecurity issues, as well as personal data protection models in different regions of the world. Within the framework of the conference, recommendations and declarations are planned to be adopted and thematic workshops will also be held.

The International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) is held annually, since 1979. Last year Morocco hosted the Conference.