Personal Data Protection Inspector presented draft legal amendments to the Members of the Public agencies

2015-09-18 13:18:12

Personal Data Protection Inspector, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani and Deputy Inspector Nikoloz Bregvadze met the representatives of the public agencies and discussed the draft legal amendments related to the data protection legislation, which were prepared in order to improve the legal base and harmonize it to the European standards.

The draft legal amendments include changes to the ten different legal acts. Several important changes are proposed to the Georgian Law on the Personal Data Protection, such as:

  • Enlargement of the scope of the law – the law will regulate all types of data processing, with the minor exemptions;
  • Regulation of the audio recording and audio monitoring like video surveillance;
  • More precise regulation of the legal grounds for the processing of the sensitive data and for the trans-border data flows;
  • Data processing for the historical, statistical and research purposes.

The proposals drafted by the Inspector also cover issues of direct marketing. Creating of the single electronic platform is suggested, correspondingly any person conducting direct marketing will be obliged to register at this platform and citizens will have opportunity to opt-out from the direct marketing massages through this web- portal.

According to the draft legal amendments increasing of the fines is foreseen, in the cases when data breach is related to more than 100 data subjects.

Discussing of the draft legal amendments is also planned with the non-governmental organizations, private sector and Members of Parliamen