The statement of the Personal Data Protection Inspector

2015-09-09 13:16:15

Personal Data Protection Inspector addresses the statement made in the TV show “Archevani” by the journalist, Eka Mishveladze, who mentioned that “appropriate agencies” were informed about the private relations between her and Mr. Aleqsi Petriashvili.

The protection of the privacy is guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia. Besides, illegal collection, storage and usage of the information related to the personal data related to the private and family life is defined as crime under the legislation of Georgia.

While, the journalist did not provide any specific facts related to interferences in her private life the Inspector believes that statements like this should not be left without attention from the side of the law enforcement agencies. The Inspector is open to provide legal consultations to any person regarding the realization of the right to privacy and protection of the personal data and will take appropriate measures within her competencies.

The Office of the Personal Data protection Inspector was established in 2013. The aim of the authority is to ensure protection of the human rights and freedoms during the data processing. Since March 31, 2015 the monitoring over covert investigational activities related to the computer data, and telephone bugging and recording was added to the functions of the Inspector.