Unchanging Values in the Era of Changes – Tamar Kaldani is attending an international conference in Poland

2017-10-17 13:12:35

Current challenges to personal data protection, data protection regulations, legislation and data protection mechanisms – an international conference on personal data protection is taking place in Warsaw, Poland. The conference entitled “Unchanging Values and their Effective Protection in the Era of Changes” is being held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the personal data protection law in Poland.

The Personal Data Protection Inspector is representing Georgia at the conference. Tamar Kaldani, together with her Hungarian and Polish colleagues and the representative of the European Commission, will speak in the panel discussion dedicated to the current personal data protection challenges.

The conference is taking place at the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, under the honorary patronage of the Speaker of the Sejm. Within the framework of the conference, the participants will discuss the effectiveness of data protection regulations, data protection mechanisms, existing challenges and the ways to address these challenges.