Training at the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector

2017-12-01 12:45:54
Georgian law on personal data protection, the principles and legal grounds for legitimate data processing, mandate of the Inspector, citizens’ rights, procedures to apply to the Inspector, legal grounds for disclosure of information - the training for interested citizens, the representatives of public institutions and private organisations was held at the Inspector’s Office.

Mariam Elkanashvili, the Project and Legal Analysis Manager of the Inspector’s Office led the training.

When the video surveillance of buildings is permitted, how to process biometric data, the principles of transferring data to the third party, which categories of data the Sensitive Data encompasses and what kind of sanctions exist in case of breach of personal data law – these are the issues the audience was particularly interested in.

In 2017, the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector held 18 trainings attended by up to 360 representatives of public institutions and private companies.

The training for interested citizens is held monthly. The next training is scheduled in January.