Personal Data Protection Inspector launched inspection of standard service contracts of the mobile communication company Magticom

2015-06-29 12:16:25

Personal Data Protection Inspector received information that LLC Magticom modified standard terms of the service contract. According to the changes, customers signing the agreement agree to receive advertising and informational massages from Magticom and its partner organizations. According to the company customers can opt-out at any time from receiving such massages by sending the name of the sender to the specially designated number: 91521.

The Inspector requested all related information from the Company, including the copies of the standard service contracts and contracts signed with the partner organizations.

“It is important to know whether the customers have the right to refuse the terms of the contract and opportunity to opt-out, not only from the advertising massages of Magticom, but also from its partner organizations. The way customers are introduced with the list of the partner organizations is also the area of our interest. More detailed comments will be made after the examination of the entire information provided by the company”. – said Tamar Kaldani.