Personal Data Protection Inspector met with the Public Defender of Georgia

2015-06-08 12:14:30

On June 5, 2015 Mrs. Tamar Kaldani, Personal Data Protection Inspector and Mr. Nika Bregvadze, Deputy Personal Data Protection Inspector hosted Mr. Ucha Nanuashvili, the Public Defender of Georgia at the Inspector’s new Office. Guests toured the Office, got acquainted with its work and signed the Declaration on Inviolability of Privacy and Protection of Personal Data.

The Inspector and the Public Defender discussed different important issues, including processing of personal data, protection of confidentiality, processing of the materials gained by photographying at prisons; they also identified future cooperation spheres and thematic issues.

Mrs. Tamar Kaldani expressed her gratitude to the Public Defender for his visit and stated: “there are many areas which require joint actions and coordination in order to make our work more effective and productive for every citizen”.