Europol experts studied the activities of the Inspector’s Office

2015-06-04 12:13:37

On June 2, 2015 Europol experts Pelopidas Donos and Bart de Buck visited the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector. The aim of the visit was to inform the experts on personal data protection at law enforcement sector.

Representatives of the Office provided experts with detailed information on the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection, amendments introduced into the law in 2014, supervisory functions of the Office toward law-enforcement bodies and awareness raising activities.

During the presentation Nino Sarishvili, the Head of International Relations Department discussed concrete facts of inspecting law-enforcement bodies based on the individual applications as well as on Inspector’s own motion. Ms. Sarishvili informed the experts on terms of inspection and fines, reviewed improved standards of data processing during border crossing and discussed amended rules of video and audio monitoring at penitentiary institutions, two stage electronic monitoring system of interception activities and databanks control system.

Experts’ questions concerned procedures of the Inspector’s Office operation, means of requesting data from law-enforcement bodies, as well as regulating the transfer of data in different countries.

“During 2 years, we inspected law-enforcement bodies for 4 times and imposed fines in three cases, we provided 50 consultations, 2200 employees attended 72 trainings carried out by the Office. We aim to set high standards of personal data protection, therefore Inspector’s Office closely cooperates with law-enforcement bodies” – stated Nino Sarishvili.

Format of cooperation between Georgia and Europol will be prepared based on the Expert Report.