Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector Issued Recommendations on Biometric Data

2015-05-05 12:07:33

In light of the prevalent use of biometrics by public and private organizations, also increasing number of consultations requests, the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector issued Recommendations on Biometric Data.

Biometric Data is any physical, psychological and behavioral characteristics that are unique and permanent for each individual and can be used for identification such as finger prints, , iris, retina, facial characteristics, DNA.

According to the representatives of the Office - “We deemed it appropriate to elaborate recommendations on biometric data, based on the increased number of requests concerning the legitimacy of its use. Georgian Personal Data Protection Law specifically regulates all issues related to the processing of biometric data, such as legal grounds and legitimate purposes for its processing, security measures that have to be in place, citizens’ rights and the role of the Inspector to this end. It is important that data controller comply with the legally established standards”.

The document consists 6 chapters, which describe in details the legal and practical aspects of biometric data processing, also the obligations of the organizations, which carry biometric data processing.

The recommendations have been developed on the basis of Georgian Personal Data Protection Law, European standards and the best practice of data protection.

The document can be found here.