The Office of the Inspector participated in the 17th meeting of the CEEDPA

2015-04-29 12:03:57

17th meeting of the Central and Eastern European Data Protection Authorities took place on April 29-30, 2015, Albania, Durres.

Ms. Nino Sarishvili, Head of the International Relations Department at the Personal Data Protection Inspectors Office was representing the Office of the Inspectoras well as the Data Protection Committee of the Council of Europe (T-PD). Ms. Nino Sarishvili talked about the legal amendments adopted in 2014 in Georgia and new law-enforcement bodies oversight function of the Inspector.

In its second presentation Ms. Sarishvili reviewed the work of the T-PD, decisions that were made by committee and existing challenges. One of the important issues of her speech was the Big Data, which is the one of the crucial themes in the modern society.

“CEEDPA consists of the central and eastern Euroipean data protection authorities and it is the important tribune for us where we have opportunity to provide information on the state of the data protection in Georgia and main directions of the activities of the Office to the European countries. This year we were focused on the extended power of the Inspector. As the member of the T-PD I was representing Council of Europe as well as Georgia. We belive that participation in such international forums raises awareness of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspecor of Georgia” – mentioned Ms. Sarishvili.

Georgia became the member of the CEEDPA in 2014 according to the unanimous decision of the member states.