2014 report was submitted to the Human Rights Committee

2015-03-24 12:02:08

On March 24, 2015 Deputy Personal Data Protection Inspector, Nika Bregvadze presented the report of 2014 on the state of the personal data protection to the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Georgian Parlament.

In his speech Nika Bregvadze gave a detailed overview of the important events occurred in 2014, such as gaps and main trends revealed as a result of the inspections of the private and public organizations as well as the citizens’ complaints, awareness raising compaigns and activities. He also paid attention to the data processing by the law-enforcement bodies, as the law-enforcement oversight is a new function of the Inspector.

“According to the 2014 legislative ammendments mandate of the Inspector expanded and law is now fully applicable for private sector. This fact significantly raised the number of the citizens’ complaints” – stated Mr. Nika Bregvadze.

“2014 was an important year for the Office of the Inspector, as the number of the data controllers’ applications and citizens’ compaints has grown, the Office has strengthened as a result of the functional and institutional reforms. We have important plans for 2015 ,we will continue to work with both, public and private sector, as well as with citizens in order to ensure lawfull processing of personal data” – stated Mr. Nika Bregvadze.

Head of the Committee Mrs. Eka Beselia positively assessed the activities of the Personal Data Protection Inspector. As she stated, this was the first report, presented to the committee since the establishing the Office of the Inspector. “The Committee is interested in how personal data protection is exercised in Georgia and what kind of legislative ammendments should be adopted in order to strengthen the authority. The Committee follows the activities of the Inspector and positively assess the report” – stated Mrs. Eka Beselia.