Data Protection Day was celebrated in Georgia

2015-01-29 14:26:19

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector celebrated the Data Protection Day with the wide spread informational campaigns. Slogan of the day was – Personal Data Protection is Important.

The informational papers were disseminated in the Public Service Halls of five big cities of Georgia – Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi and Gori. At the same time the informational meetings were held in the community centers of the Public Service Development Agency in Sartichala, Khvareltskali, Manglisi, Mejvriskhevi and Gomi.

The public seminar for the students of the different universities was held in the public library of Georgia. The staff of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector explained to the young generation the meaning of the personal data and why it is important for citizens to know their rights.

The different mass media companies joined the informational campaign.

The Personal data Protection Day was celebrated in Georgia for the second time. The day is celebrated by the Council of Europe since 2006, the informational campaigns on January 28, related to the personal data protection were held also in other European countries.

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