Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia wishes you Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2014-12-31 14:24:17

2014 was an important year for Georgia and for our Office as well.

Signature of the Association Agreement with the European Union and expressed political will of the Government, high interest of the society, increased responsibility of the public and private organizations avows that protection of privacy and personal data constitutes a priority for our Country.

2015 is a year of new challenges. Democratic reforms, enhancement of legislation, development of efficient human rights protection system shall remain high on our Country’s agenda and we shall continue our work to achieve greater success in getting closer to the European family.

Initiative lies within each and every one of you - active citizens who care for the respect to dignity and private life. Our Office is here to guard your rights. I believe that our determination and commitment coupled with the efforts of public and private organizations will have successful results and we will meet your expectations.

Happy New Year and Marry Christmas, I wish you a fruitful and highly prosperous 2015 year!

Tamar Kaldani

Personal Data Protection Inspector