Romanian experts shared their experience with Georgian colleagues on personal data protection and elimination of discrimination issues

2014-11-05 14:22:36

The presentation of the project supporting Georgia in visa liberalization process for personal data protection and elimination of the discrimination directions was held on November 4, 2014.

The activities of the visa liberalization process were overviewed, the steps which should be taken in order to fulfill the visa liberalization action plan and the Romanian experience was overviewed. The workshops and discussions were also held on the issues of personal data protection and elimination of the discrimination.

Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani talked about the challenges of the right to privacy and data protection in Georgia, overviewed the activities of the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s office and mentioned, that their is law awareness on the personal data protection hence the office activities were mainly focused on the big data controllers.

“702 written and oral consultations were issued during the last year, more than 800 representatives of public and private organizations were trained, 18 public organizations were inspected and 22 citizens’ complaints were dealt with” – said Ms. Kaldani.

As it was noticed by Tamar Kaldani, establishment of the European standards of data protection is the part of visa liberalization process and sharing of the experience is very important. “The experience of the Romania which has supervisory authority for more than 10 years, is interesting and useful for us, therefore, we will take their advices into account”.

The project is implemented by fund "Open Society - Georgia" and the Romanian Center for European Policy with support of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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