Perspectives of Visa Free Regime with EU

2014-10-24 14:19:21

On October 23, 2014 presentation of analytical paper “It’s Georgia’s time - Visa-free travel in Europe – Georgia’s Perspectives” and new brochure “How to get Schengen visa?” was held at the Open Society Foundation Georgia.

Representatives of the government and non-governmental organizations discussed Georgian Government’s newly elaborated visa policy and its impact over the foreign citizens living in the country, as well as implementation of the the visa-liberalization action plan benchmarks and how realistic is the perspective for Georgian citizens to enter Europe without visa by the end of the 2015.

The Head of International Relations and Communications Department of the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office, Ms. Nino Sarishvili reported on the activities of the Office and mentioned that Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection will fully enter into force towards private sector in the couple of days

Ms. Nino Sarishvili overviewed the activities of the past year and discussed the challenges Office is facing right now. Besides, she spoke about awareness raising campaign and informational activities planned for 2015.

The analytical paper presented on the meeting is available on the following link, the electronic version of the brochure “How to get Schengen visa?” is also available there.