Personal Data Protection Inspector offers consultations to the representatives of private sector

2014-10-01 14:16:28

Pursuant to the amendments adopted by the Parliament of Georgia on August 1, 2014, Georgian Law on Personal Data Protection will be fully enacted toward the private sector from November 1, 2014. Therefore, Personal Data Protection Inspector will be authorized to deal with individual complaints regarding the lawfulness of data processing by private organizations, inspect any organization based on the complaint or on her own initiative and to take measures envisaged by law.

Taking into account the scale of collection, storage and usage of personal data by private sector, establishment of high standards of data protection and human rights approaches in this sector is very important. The Office of Personal Data Protection Inspector expresses its readiness to facilitate the compliance of data processing by organizations with the law by offering intensive consultations before its full enactment.

The Inspector’s Office offers interested organizations verbal, written and online consultations