European expert’s recommendations on the covert surveillance issues were presented before Georgian Parliament

2014-09-26 14:15:24

The meeting on the so called covert surveillance was held in the parliament on September 25, 2014 with participation of European experts Joseph Cannataci and Graham Sutton.

Representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial bodies, NGOs, public defender office and office of personal data protection inspector participated in the meeting.

Recommendations of European experts on such issues like direct access to the telephone conversations, external control mechanisms, balance between right to privacy and state security were discussed.

According to the Personal Data Protection Inspector Tamar Kaldani, it is very important to adopt appropriate legislative amendments and handle systemic changes, ensure adequate resources and agree positions between the members of the working group. From the side of the supervisory authority, which is accountable before the society and parliament, effective control mechanisms are very important notwithstanding who will have so called “key”– said Inspector.

After a three-hour closed meeting The Chair of Legal Committee of Parliament Vakhtan Khmaladze, who at the same time is the chair of the special working group on covert surveillance held press conference with European experts Joseph Cannataci and Graham Sutton. According to Mr. Khmaladze lots of interesting and new opinions were expressed, which will be the subject for future consultations and working process is still in progress.