EU-Georgia Association Agreement JFS Subcommittee Meeting was held in Brussels

2018-04-25 14:11:33

Reforms in justice sector, migration and border management, combating organized crime and personal data protection – on 24 April, 2018 the 4th meeting of EU-Georgia Association Agreement Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom and Security was held in Brussels, Belgium. Personal Data Protection Inspector, Tamar Kaldani participated in the meeting.

Central issues of the subcommittee meeting discussions covered migration and border management, prevention and combating organized crime, as well as reforms in justice sector, judiciary and law enforcement areas and personal data protection. Representatives of the European Union and Georgian delegation discussed legal cooperation between the EU and Georgia. Within the frames of the meeting, Tamar Kaldani reviewed the state of play in the field of personal data protection in Georgia and the activities of the Inspector’s Office.

Meetings of the Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom and Security are held annually, with alternating locations in Tbilisi and Brussels. This year, the subcommittee meeting was hosted by the European External Action Service.