The Mandate of the Personal Data Protection Inspector is Extended over the Law Enforcement Bodies and Private Sector

2014-08-01 14:10:31

Today Parliament of Georgia adopted with the 3rdhearing the Amendments package on personal data protection. Amendments are introduced in the Law on Personal Data Protection, seven other laws and, Regulations of the Parliament.

According to the Amendments the mandate of the Inspector is expanded and it will cover police sector after September 1, 2014. The powers of the Inspector towards private sector will be fully enacted from November 1, 2014.

In order to increase the legitimacy of the supervisory authority the rules of appointment of the Inspector are amended as well. The Inspector will be elected by the Parliament from the candidates presented by the Prime-Minister. The candidates will be selected by the Special Competition Committee.

The Law envisages the guarantees and immunities of the Inspector, as well as power of the Inspector to get familiar with all necessary documentation and information, including information containing state, commercial and professional secret.

The Amendments enlarge the range of sensitive personal data and the guarantees for the protection of such data are increased. Processing of the genetic data is restricted and rules related to the video surveillance, biometric data and direct marketing are enhanced. From September 2014 the citizens will be entitled to request to stop the processing of their personal data through simplified form; video surveillance in the streets and public places is being restricted.