The 4th Black Sea Conference was Dedicated to the Right of Privacy

2014-07-07 14:04:54

On 5-6 July, the Constitutional Court of Georgia hosted the 4th Black Sea Conference. This year’s topic was “New Challenges for the Right to Privacy”.

Issues related to the inviolability of communications and information, in particular protection of correspondence, telephone calls, e-mail and other forms of communication, collection and processing of personal data were discussed during the Conference.

Judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Court of Georgia, members of the Parliament and Government of Georgia, Judges of Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Black Sea region countries, Baltic states and Germany, members of the Council of Europe Venice Commission, representatives of non-governmental organizations and academia attended the Conference.

Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani participated in the event. “The 4thRegional Black Sea Conference stressed the importance of the issue once more. It is very important when representatives of the Judiciary, Government and Parliament together with the civil society and academia discuss such important issue as the right to privacy and the challenges we are facing right now in Georgia as well as in Europe” – said Mrs. Tamar Kaldani.

The Conference was held with the support of the International Legal Cooperation Fund (IRZ), International Cooperation Organization of Germany (GIZ) and Council of Europe Venice Commission.