„Personal Data Protection in Healthcare Institutions“ – Inspector’s Office held a meeting with the representatives of healthcare sector

2018-06-19 14:03:52
Disclosure of health-related data in healthcare institutions, data protection in healthcare sector –Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office held a meeting with the representatives of healthcare system.

The recent recommendation on Personal Data Protection in Healthcare Sector developed by the Inspector’s Office was discussed at the meeting, followed by discussions on current problems and other practical matters.

„It is important to establish a balanced approach between respecting individual’s privacy and personal data on the one hand, and facilitating the proper functioning of healthcare system on the other“ – reads the recommendation.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Affairs of Georgia, its subordinated agencies and healthcare institutions. The meeting was held with the support of the European Union and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The strengthening of personal data protection in Georgia is one of the priorities of “Human Rights for All”, the joint initiative of the European Union and United Nations. The three-year programme supports the implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan.