Disclosure of the “Call-Center” Audio Recording Violates the Rights of Citizens

2014-06-11 14:00:37

Dissemination of audio recordings of the “call centers” through the internet becomes more frequent. Most of the recordings are disclosed for the entertainment purposes and they often allow the full identification of the citizen.

Recording of telephone calls by the organizations and processing of personal data shall be done only for explicit legitimate purposes, data shall be processed fairly and lawfully, without any prejudice to the human dignity.

The organization carrying out recording of telephone calls for improving services or for any other legitimate purpose is responsible for data security and shall take all necessary measures to avoid illegal disclosure of such data.

Personal Data Protection Inspector calls on all organizations:

  • To take all necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure secured storage of the recordings and to avoid their illegal disclosure;
  • To provide stringent internal control on access to the recordings by the staff and illegal use of the data;
  • To take all necessary measures to delete audio recordings related to their services from the internet if there is no consent of the data subject on dissemination of the recording and the audio recording enables the identification of an individual.

The Inspector urges the internet users to abstain from sharing such audio recordings in order to protect the rights of the identifiable persons whose voices are reflected in the recordings.

Citizens considering that their rights were violated with the disclosure and dissemination of such audio recordings can address the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector. Address: 15, Apakhidze str. Tbilisi, Georgia; Tel.: 2421000