Georgian Delegate was elected as a Bureau Member of the Council of Europe Personal Data Protection Committee (T-PD)

2014-06-04 13:59:43

On June 4 elections of the Bureau of the Council of Europe Personal Data Protection Committee (T-PD) were held in Strasbourg. By the unanimous decision of 46 members of the Committee Georgian delegate Ms. Nino Sarishvili was elected as member of the Bureau. Delegates of the Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Serbia are represented in the Bureau.

The Committee is established on the basis of the Council of Europe Convention 108 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data.

The membership of the bureau is the international recognition of the Georgian Personal Data Protection Authority, taking into account that the office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia was authorized to represent Georgia in the Committee only eight months ago.

The membership of the bureau is the opportunity for Georgia to be closely involved in the elaboration and enhancement of the European standards on data protection.

Ms. Nino Sarishvili is the lawyer. She has been working at the Office of the Personal Data protection Inspector from the date of its establishment as a head of International Relations and Communications Department.