Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office Held Workshops with the Representatives of Local Self-Government Authorities

2018-07-19 13:57:26

“Personal data protection in the process of local self-governance and current challenges” – was in focus of the workshops held on 17-20 July, 2018 by the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office of Georgia for the representatives of local self-government authorities of Western Georgia .

The representatives of local self-government authorities of Western Georgia, were provided with the comprehensive information on personal data protection.

Legal framework for personal data protection, specificities of data protection in local self-government authorities, existing challenges and suggested solutions were discussed during the workshops, followed by debate to share best practices .

The workshops were held with the support of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The strengthening of personal data protection in Georgia is one of the priorities of “Human Rights for All”, the joint initiative of the European Union and United Nations. The three-year programme supports the implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan.